Patio | Balcony | Terrace Layouts

Patio | Balcony | Terrace Layouts


Patios, balconies, and terraces are outdoor spaces connected to homes or buildings, each offering a different experience.

Patios are on the ground, usually with paving, and are great for outdoor dining or relaxing. They can be decorated with furniture and plants, and sometimes have fire pits. Balconies are smaller, raised platforms attached to a building. They're good for a little bit of outdoor space to sit and enjoy the view. Terraces are larger and can be on the ground or higher up. They offer more room for people to gather, eat, and enjoy larger plants or decorations. All these spaces provide a way to enjoy the outdoors comfortably from home.


Patios, balconies, and terraces have been part of architectural designs for centuries, evolving through various cultures and styles. Originally, they served as practical spaces for activities like cooking or keeping cool in hot climates. In ancient Rome and Greece, terraces and balconies were used to enjoy views and socialize, often adorned with gardens and sculptures.

During the Renaissance, these spaces became more ornamental and integrated into grand architectural designs. Patios, common in Spanish and Mediterranean architecture, were typically courtyards within a home, providing a private outdoor area. Over time, as living spaces became more indoor-oriented, these outdoor areas transformed into leisure spaces, reflecting a desire to connect with nature and the outdoors from the comfort of one's home.


In the future, patio, balcony, and terrace layouts are likely to focus on sustainability and smart technology. We might see the integration of eco-friendly features like solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and vertical gardens, making these spaces not only more aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally responsible. Smart technology could play a role too, with automated lighting, heating, and watering systems that can be controlled via smartphones.

Space-saving designs, like foldable furniture and modular planters, will become more popular, especially in urban areas where outdoor space is limited. These outdoor areas will continue to be vital for relaxation and socializing, but with a greater emphasis on sustainability, efficiency, and maximizing the use of limited space.

Common Questions
Common Questions
What factors should you consider when designing a patio?

Determining the purpose and function of the patio first will help in designing it. Other factors to consider include: location as this affects privacy, sunlight, shading, and views, materials, and seating. Of course as with all projects, budget will have an impact on the design.

How do you design a balcony space?

Privacy can be a big factor to consider in designing a balcony space, especially if on the first floor of an apartment complex. Screens or dense planting (vines, tall shrubs) can help achieve balcony privacy. Greenery will also help in the overall feel and look of this space. The configuration and proportion of furniture as well as lighting are other important factors to consider.

What are the functions of a backyard patio?

The functions of a backyard patio can be for gathering (ex. around a fire pit), grilling, and gardening. A backyard patio can consist of a kitchen, living and dining areas, and planters to grow vegetables as well as flowers.


* Under Development *