Personal & Household Care

Personal & Household Care


Personal and household care involves activities and routines focused on maintaining cleanliness, hygiene, and organization in one’s personal life and living environment. Personal care encompasses daily practices like bathing, oral hygiene, grooming, and skincare, crucial for health and social well-being. Household care includes tasks such as cleaning, doing laundry, organizing, and managing household supplies, essential for a hygienic, orderly, and comfortable home. These tasks are performed in personal spaces like bathrooms and bedrooms, as well as shared spaces like kitchens and living rooms. Together, they contribute to overall health, quality of life, and the smooth functioning of daily activities.


Personal and household care have evolved significantly over time. In ancient civilizations, basic personal hygiene practices were often influenced by local resources and cultural beliefs. Bathing rituals in Rome and ancient India, for instance, were integral to daily life. Over the centuries, advancements in science and understanding of health led to improved personal hygiene practices.

Household care, initially a labor-intensive task, saw dramatic changes with the Industrial Revolution, introducing tools like vacuum cleaners and washing machines. The 20th century witnessed a surge in products and technologies for cleaning and grooming, reflecting an increased societal emphasis on hygiene, health, and the aesthetic appeal of both personal appearance and living spaces.


The future of personal and household care is likely to be shaped by technological advancements and a growing emphasis on sustainability. Smart homes equipped with AI-driven appliances could automate tasks like cleaning and laundry, making household management more efficient. Personal care products are expected to evolve with biotechnology, offering more personalized and effective solutions for skin and hair care, tailored to individual genetic profiles.

Eco-friendly and zero-waste products will gain popularity, aligning with environmental consciousness. The integration of virtual and augmented reality in personal care routines, for tutorials or virtual try-ons, will enhance user experience, reflecting the blending of technology and daily self-care practices.

Common Questions
Common Questions
What is self care?

Self care consists of any activity that we do in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Self-care activities improve mood, reduce anxiety, and help create a good relationship with yourself. Examples of self-care include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, creating a ‘no’ list, using relaxation exercises, and spending enough time with loved ones.

What is a personal care assistant?

Personal care assistants work in private home and care facilities to help their clients with everyday tasks like bathing, grooming, and using the toilet. They also assist in dressing, cooking, and house cleaning. Most personal care assistants work for private clients, home health providers, or agencies that offer their services to seniors or disabled people.

How often should you shower?

Dermatologists recommend showering every other day or 2 to 3 times a week since showering every day could be bad for your skin. Many people shower at least once a day or more often, but it is not necessary and could dry out your skin. Each individual’s skin is different and changes from season to season.


* Under Development *

5’9” | 175 cm
Bath Towel - Men (Front)
Bath Towel - Men (Front)
5’4” | 163 cm
Bath Towel - Women (Front)
Bath Towel - Women (Front)
Mopping - Combination (Side)
Mopping - Combination (Side)
Vacuuming - Combination (Side)
Vacuuming - Combination (Side)