Yearner Sleeping Position

Yearner Sleeping Position


The Yearner Sleep Position is a side sleeping posture in which a person sleeps with their arms and legs stretched outward as if reaching for something. Sleeping in yearner position is often an indication of a personality that is open-minded, but cynical and suspicious. It is estimated that 13% of people sleep in the yearner sleep position.

Dimensions & Sizes
Dimensions & Sizes

3D Model
3D Model
Common Questions
Common Questions
What is the Yearner Sleep Position?
The Yearner Sleep Position is a side sleeping posture in which a person sleeps with their arms and legs stretched outward as if reaching for something.
What does sleeping in yearner position say about my personality?
Sleeping in yearner position is often an indication of a personality that is open-minded, but cynical and suspicious.
How common is it to sleep in the yearner position?
It is estimated that 13% of people sleep in the yearner sleep position.
Yearner Sleeping Position

*Under Development*


Posture (General): Side
Posture (Detail): Arms reaching to side
Personality: Inviting, open, cynical
Percentage Sleepers: 13%


Drawings include:
Male and female Yearner Sleeping Position plan (King Size Bed), plan (outlines)

Sleeping, a natural and essential human activity, involves a state of rest where consciousness is altered and physical activity is reduced. It's crucial for health, aiding in recovery, memory consolidation, and overall well-being. Sleep styles and positions vary widely among individuals.