The Atolla jellyfish, also known as Atolla wyvelli, is a deep-sea bioluminescent jellyfish. The Atolla jellyfish is a crown jellyfish and has about 20 tentacles of all equal length and then one longer tentacle it uses to capture prey. The Atolla jellyfish is named after Sir Charles Wyville Thomson, the lead scientist on the Challenger expedition. The Atolla jellyfish is also called the “alarm jellyfish” as it flashes its bioluminescent red when it is under attack in order to draw bigger predators to attack the creature it is under attack from. This “alarm” action has been mimicked by scientists in order to attract other deep sea creatures so they could be observed, such as the giant squid.
Atolla Jellyfish have a bell width between .79”-6.7” (2-17 cm), bell height of .79”-6.7” (2-17 cm), and overall length of 1.6”-13.8” (4-35 cm).
The Atolla jellyfish, also known as Atolla wyvelli, is a deep-sea bioluminescent jellyfish. The Atolla jellyfish is a crown jellyfish and has about 20 tentacles of all equal length and then one longer tentacle it uses to capture prey. The Atolla jellyfish is named after Sir Charles Wyville Thomson, the lead scientist on the Challenger expedition. The Atolla jellyfish is also called the “alarm jellyfish” as it flashes its bioluminescent red when it is under attack in order to draw bigger predators to attack the creature it is under attack from. This “alarm” action has been mimicked by scientists in order to attract other deep sea creatures so they could be observed, such as the giant squid.
Atolla Jellyfish have a bell width between .79”-6.7” (2-17 cm), bell height of .79”-6.7” (2-17 cm), and overall length of 1.6”-13.8” (4-35 cm).