The Common Raccoon (Procyon lotor) is a North American mammal known for its dexterous front paws, facial mask, and ringed tail. Other physical traits are slightly rounded ears that are bordered by white fur, a compact body covered in varied gray fur, and comparatively short legs. Raccoons’ original habitats were deciduous and mixed forests, but due to their adaptability, they can be found in mountainous areas, coastal marshes, and urban areas. The Raccoon is normally nocturnal, and as omnivores, the species feeds on invertebrates, vertebrates, and plant material. As the number of Raccoons in urban areas have grown, the animal has diverse reactions in humans, from outrage to deliberate feeding.
The Common Raccoon has a body length in the range of 15.75”-27.6” (40-70 cm) and total weight of 7.7-23.1 lb (3.5-10.5 kg). The Common Raccoon has a body height between 10.4”-17.7” (26.5-45 cm), body width of 6.7”-12.2” (17-31 cm), and tail length of 9.8”-13.8” (25-35 cm). The typical lifespan of the Common Raccoon is between 2-16 years.
The Common Raccoon (Procyon lotor) is a North American mammal known for its dexterous front paws, facial mask, and ringed tail. Other physical traits are slightly rounded ears that are bordered by white fur, a compact body covered in varied gray fur, and comparatively short legs. Raccoons’ original habitats were deciduous and mixed forests, but due to their adaptability, they can be found in mountainous areas, coastal marshes, and urban areas. The Raccoon is normally nocturnal, and as omnivores, the species feeds on invertebrates, vertebrates, and plant material. As the number of Raccoons in urban areas have grown, the animal has diverse reactions in humans, from outrage to deliberate feeding.
The Common Raccoon has a body length in the range of 15.75”-27.6” (40-70 cm) and total weight of 7.7-23.1 lb (3.5-10.5 kg). The Common Raccoon has a body height between 10.4”-17.7” (26.5-45 cm), body width of 6.7”-12.2” (17-31 cm), and tail length of 9.8”-13.8” (25-35 cm). The typical lifespan of the Common Raccoon is between 2-16 years.