The Mobilize Duo is a modern electric microcar designed for urban mobility and shared transportation. Created by Renault's Mobilize brand, it features a compact, futuristic design optimized for city driving. The Duo has a minimalist, enclosed cabin with seating for two passengers in tandem, enhancing space efficiency. Its electric motor provides zero-emission driving, promoting sustainability.
Unique features include a connected, user-friendly interface and options for car-sharing programs. The Mobilize Duo's innovative design focuses on practicality, environmental responsibility, and the future of urban transportation, making it an ideal solution for eco-conscious city dwellers and short-distance travel.
Mobilize Duos have a total length of 95.7” (243 cm), overall width of 51.2” (130 cm), and height of 56” (142 cm). The wheelbase of the Mobilize Duo is 67.3” (171 cm) with a max curb weight of 937 lb (425 kg).
The Mobilize Duo is a modern electric microcar designed for urban mobility and shared transportation. Created by Renault's Mobilize brand, it features a compact, futuristic design optimized for city driving. The Duo has a minimalist, enclosed cabin with seating for two passengers in tandem, enhancing space efficiency. Its electric motor provides zero-emission driving, promoting sustainability.
Unique features include a connected, user-friendly interface and options for car-sharing programs. The Mobilize Duo's innovative design focuses on practicality, environmental responsibility, and the future of urban transportation, making it an ideal solution for eco-conscious city dwellers and short-distance travel.
Mobilize Duos have a total length of 95.7” (243 cm), overall width of 51.2” (130 cm), and height of 56” (142 cm). The wheelbase of the Mobilize Duo is 67.3” (171 cm) with a max curb weight of 937 lb (425 kg).