The Most Muscular Pose is a mandatory pose in bodybuilding contests aiming to show overall muscularity. The judges consider your chest, arms, abs, forearms, upper trapezius, quadriceps, and calves. There are several ways to produce the most muscular pose. You can do it with your hands on the waistline or with palms grasped. You can also put one hand by your side and draw the other arm across your belly. The focus is to reveal all the front-facing muscles at once by contracting the abdominals, forearms, anterior, obliques, biceps, and pectorals. At the same time, both hands grasped together, and you tighten the calves and the quadriceps.
The Most Muscular Pose is a mandatory pose in bodybuilding contests aiming to show overall muscularity. The judges consider your chest, arms, abs, forearms, upper trapezius, quadriceps, and calves. There are several ways to produce the most muscular pose. You can do it with your hands on the waistline or with palms grasped. You can also put one hand by your side and draw the other arm across your belly. The focus is to reveal all the front-facing muscles at once by contracting the abdominals, forearms, anterior, obliques, biceps, and pectorals. At the same time, both hands grasped together, and you tighten the calves and the quadriceps.