The Yanagi Butterfly Stool is a graceful, sculptural stool created by renowned Japanese designer Sori Yanagi in 1954. It is crafted by connecting two elegantly curved wood segments, shaped using the innovative technique of pressed plywood molding, which allows the wood to take on its fluid, butterfly-like form.
The stool’s design reflects a harmonious blend of Japanese minimalism and modern craftsmanship, inspired by the natural beauty of a butterfly's wings. Made from high-quality wood, it is both lightweight and durable. The Butterfly Stool serves as a functional seat and a piece of artful design, perfect for contemporary and timeless interiors.
The Yanagi Butterfly Stool has an overall height of 15.25” (38.7 cm), width of 16.5” (42 cm), and depth of 12.25" (31.1 cm).
Counter stools range from 23”-28” (58-71 cm), bar stools from 29”-32” (74-81 cm), and tall bar stools from 33”-36” (84-91 cm). A minimum of 10” (25 cm) should be measured and provided between the top of stool seat and the underside of any counter to provide adequate space for the user.
The Yanagi Butterfly Stool is a graceful, sculptural stool created by renowned Japanese designer Sori Yanagi in 1954. It is crafted by connecting two elegantly curved wood segments, shaped using the innovative technique of pressed plywood molding, which allows the wood to take on its fluid, butterfly-like form.
The stool’s design reflects a harmonious blend of Japanese minimalism and modern craftsmanship, inspired by the natural beauty of a butterfly's wings. Made from high-quality wood, it is both lightweight and durable. The Butterfly Stool serves as a functional seat and a piece of artful design, perfect for contemporary and timeless interiors.
The Yanagi Butterfly Stool has an overall height of 15.25” (38.7 cm), width of 16.5” (42 cm), and depth of 12.25" (31.1 cm).
Counter stools range from 23”-28” (58-71 cm), bar stools from 29”-32” (74-81 cm), and tall bar stools from 33”-36” (84-91 cm). A minimum of 10” (25 cm) should be measured and provided between the top of stool seat and the underside of any counter to provide adequate space for the user.