Gogo Yubari is a character in Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill series. A seventeen-year-old schoolgirl, Gogo is a young associate of O-Ren Ishii. She dresses as a schoolgirl to appear young, sweet and innocent but is instead a cruel and sadistic killer. She enjoys inflicting pain on others; she gets huge satisfaction from a kill and enjoys killing people in unusual ways. She is a skilled fighter and is particularly adept with the sword and the meteor hammer. When O-Ren Ishii fights in a duel against Beatrix Kiddo and is killed, Gogo is also murdered. She cries blood red tears as she dies. She is played by the actress Chiaki Kuriyama.
Gogo Yubari is portrayed by Chiaki Kuriyama with a height of 5’4” (1.63 m).
Gogo Yubari is a character in Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill series. A seventeen-year-old schoolgirl, Gogo is a young associate of O-Ren Ishii. She dresses as a schoolgirl to appear young, sweet and innocent but is instead a cruel and sadistic killer. She enjoys inflicting pain on others; she gets huge satisfaction from a kill and enjoys killing people in unusual ways. She is a skilled fighter and is particularly adept with the sword and the meteor hammer. When O-Ren Ishii fights in a duel against Beatrix Kiddo and is killed, Gogo is also murdered. She cries blood red tears as she dies. She is played by the actress Chiaki Kuriyama.
Gogo Yubari is portrayed by Chiaki Kuriyama with a height of 5’4” (1.63 m).