Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield are two of the main characters of Pulp Fiction, the 1994 film directed by Quentin Tarantino. They work for crime boss Marsellus Wallace, who sets them on a task to return a briefcase to him, and to protect Mia Wallace, his wife, at all costs. Vincent is lacking in intelligence, but is the gentler, softly spoken of the pair. Unfortunately, he has a terrible heroin addiction. Jules is much more astute but is also much more violent. Vincent is played by John Travolta, and Jules by Samuel L. Jackson.
Jules Winnfield & Vincent Vega, played by Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta respectively, are both 6 foot 2 inches (1.88 m) tall.
Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield are two of the main characters of Pulp Fiction, the 1994 film directed by Quentin Tarantino. They work for crime boss Marsellus Wallace, who sets them on a task to return a briefcase to him, and to protect Mia Wallace, his wife, at all costs. Vincent is lacking in intelligence, but is the gentler, softly spoken of the pair. Unfortunately, he has a terrible heroin addiction. Jules is much more astute but is also much more violent. Vincent is played by John Travolta, and Jules by Samuel L. Jackson.
Jules Winnfield & Vincent Vega, played by Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta respectively, are both 6 foot 2 inches (1.88 m) tall.