Buffy Summers is a fictional character in the hit show that began in the late 90’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Buffy was activated at the age of 15 to become a “slayer” in the 20th century. While she is the chosen one, Buffy Summers constantly wishes for a normal life throughout the series and battles with the dichotomy of being just a normal girl and her call to save people and destroy the vampires. It must be hard to slay when you just want to hang! Apparently, Buffy is the slayer of all slayers and her dedication to her duties helped to open the door to other slayers up until the 23rd century! Check out the series to see how Buffy the Vampire Slayer got through regular life and saved the world of the vicious creatures!
Buffy Anne Summers is portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar with a height of 5’4” (1.63 m).
Buffy Summers is a fictional character in the hit show that began in the late 90’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Buffy was activated at the age of 15 to become a “slayer” in the 20th century. While she is the chosen one, Buffy Summers constantly wishes for a normal life throughout the series and battles with the dichotomy of being just a normal girl and her call to save people and destroy the vampires. It must be hard to slay when you just want to hang! Apparently, Buffy is the slayer of all slayers and her dedication to her duties helped to open the door to other slayers up until the 23rd century! Check out the series to see how Buffy the Vampire Slayer got through regular life and saved the world of the vicious creatures!
Buffy Anne Summers is portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar with a height of 5’4” (1.63 m).