Mad Max, also known as Maximilian “Max” Rockatansky, is a fictional character played by Mel Gibson in the original Mad Max trilogy. Mad Max was a patrol officer who helped to keep the streets of Australia safe from road gangs that plagued the country, until the apocalypse happened that is. After the apocalypse, Mad Max turns into an insane person with little remorse when it comes to killing. There are 4 Mad Max movies to check out, legend has it that The Road Warrior was Mel Gibson’s favorite one. Along with Mel Gibson, Tom Hardy also plays Mad Max later in the series and it is said that he is signed up for 3 more movies!
Mad Max is portrayed by Mel Gibson with a height of 5’10” (1.78 m).
Mad Max, also known as Maximilian “Max” Rockatansky, is a fictional character played by Mel Gibson in the original Mad Max trilogy. Mad Max was a patrol officer who helped to keep the streets of Australia safe from road gangs that plagued the country, until the apocalypse happened that is. After the apocalypse, Mad Max turns into an insane person with little remorse when it comes to killing. There are 4 Mad Max movies to check out, legend has it that The Road Warrior was Mel Gibson’s favorite one. Along with Mel Gibson, Tom Hardy also plays Mad Max later in the series and it is said that he is signed up for 3 more movies!
Mad Max is portrayed by Mel Gibson with a height of 5’10” (1.78 m).