Wes Anderson is an American filmmaker known for making eccentric, quirky films and stop-motion animations. Wes Anderson was born in Texas and began shooting film as a child with a super-8 camera. Anderson attended the University of Texas where he met Owen Wilson who helped him create his first short film, Bottle Rocket, and who would become a regular in his films. Anderson is known for films such as, The Royal Tennebaums, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Grand Budapest Hotel. Anderson is also known for directing award-winning stop motions, such as, The Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs.
Wes Anderson has a height of 6′1″ (1.85 m).
Wes Anderson is an American filmmaker known for making eccentric, quirky films and stop-motion animations. Wes Anderson was born in Texas and began shooting film as a child with a super-8 camera. Anderson attended the University of Texas where he met Owen Wilson who helped him create his first short film, Bottle Rocket, and who would become a regular in his films. Anderson is known for films such as, The Royal Tennebaums, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Grand Budapest Hotel. Anderson is also known for directing award-winning stop motions, such as, The Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs.
Wes Anderson has a height of 6′1″ (1.85 m).