Tim Burton is an American filmmaker known for directing quirky, occasionally dark films, such as Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and Pee-wee’s Big Adventure. Largely successful as a director, Tim Burton made a name for himself through his first gig after college as an animator at Disney, where he worked on The Fox and the Hound. As a child, Tim Burton mostly kept to himself and this experience as a reclusive child is showcased through his films which frequently star a misunderstood outcast. Tim Burton also directed the first two Batman movies and produced the animated movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Tim Burton has a height of 6′0″ (1.83 m).
Tim Burton is an American filmmaker known for directing quirky, occasionally dark films, such as Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and Pee-wee’s Big Adventure. Largely successful as a director, Tim Burton made a name for himself through his first gig after college as an animator at Disney, where he worked on The Fox and the Hound. As a child, Tim Burton mostly kept to himself and this experience as a reclusive child is showcased through his films which frequently star a misunderstood outcast. Tim Burton also directed the first two Batman movies and produced the animated movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Tim Burton has a height of 6′0″ (1.83 m).