Martin Scorsese, an American director and editor, is known for acclaimed films, such as, Good Fellas, Raging Bull, The Departed, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Shutter Island. Born and raised in New York, specifically Little Italy, many of Martin Scorsese’s films pay homage to his hometown. Many of Martin Scorsese’s films begin in the middle of the plot, feature extensive amounts of cursing (his movie The Wolf of Wall Street has the most f-bombs of any movie), and have long tracking shots which has earned him the title, “King of the Tracking Shot.”
Martin Scorsese has a height of 5′4″ (1.63 m).
Martin Scorsese, an American director and editor, is known for acclaimed films, such as, Good Fellas, Raging Bull, The Departed, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Shutter Island. Born and raised in New York, specifically Little Italy, many of Martin Scorsese’s films pay homage to his hometown. Many of Martin Scorsese’s films begin in the middle of the plot, feature extensive amounts of cursing (his movie The Wolf of Wall Street has the most f-bombs of any movie), and have long tracking shots which has earned him the title, “King of the Tracking Shot.”
Martin Scorsese has a height of 5′4″ (1.63 m).