Warrior I Pose, or Virabhadrasana I is a standing posture great for all levels of Yogi experience. Warrior I Pose opens the hips, chest, and shoulders, and stretches the entire front side of the body as well as the legs and ankles. Warrior I Pose is also known to improve circulation and create stability and focus in the mind.
To do Warrior I Pose, begin in a high lunge with the front knee directly over the ankle. The front toes point straight ahead while the back toes point at a 45-degree angle. Keeping the heels in line with each other, bring the hands to the hips and relax the shoulders down the back. On an inhale, reach the arms overhead, palms facing in. To take this a step further bring the palms together and create a slight arch in the back. Like a true Yogi, use your breath as a guide creating space in the body.
Warrior I Pose, or Virabhadrasana I is a standing posture great for all levels of Yogi experience. Warrior I Pose opens the hips, chest, and shoulders, and stretches the entire front side of the body as well as the legs and ankles. Warrior I Pose is also known to improve circulation and create stability and focus in the mind.
To do Warrior I Pose, begin in a high lunge with the front knee directly over the ankle. The front toes point straight ahead while the back toes point at a 45-degree angle. Keeping the heels in line with each other, bring the hands to the hips and relax the shoulders down the back. On an inhale, reach the arms overhead, palms facing in. To take this a step further bring the palms together and create a slight arch in the back. Like a true Yogi, use your breath as a guide creating space in the body.