William Turner Jr. or Will Turner is a fictional character and protagonist of the fantasy and adventure franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean portrayed by actor Orlando Bloom. He is a blacksmith’s apprentice and part of the lower class, a fact that does not stop him from loving the governor’s daughter, Elizabeth Swann. He embarks on various quests finding himself often teaming with the eccentric pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. One such adventure entailed a rescue mission to save Elizabeth Swann from cursed pirates. He discovers, however, that his own father was a pirate and grapples internally with this information.
Will Turner is portrayed by Orlando Bloom with a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).
William Turner Jr. or Will Turner is a fictional character and protagonist of the fantasy and adventure franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean portrayed by actor Orlando Bloom. He is a blacksmith’s apprentice and part of the lower class, a fact that does not stop him from loving the governor’s daughter, Elizabeth Swann. He embarks on various quests finding himself often teaming with the eccentric pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. One such adventure entailed a rescue mission to save Elizabeth Swann from cursed pirates. He discovers, however, that his own father was a pirate and grapples internally with this information.
Will Turner is portrayed by Orlando Bloom with a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).