Dragonite, known as Kairyu in Japan, is a dual type dragon and flying Pokémon and was introduced in the first generation of games. Dragonite is an orange dragon with wings that seem too small for his body despite how fast he is able to fly. Dragonite is the final evolution in his family; beginning with Dratini, then Dragonair, before culminating in Dragonite. Dragonite is a rare Pokémon in the wild frequently found near the sea. Dragonite is a kind, intelligent Pokémon and has saved humans in need or ships that have lost their way. However, if his environment is threatened, Dragonite will go on a rampage until he has neutralized the threat.
Dragonite has an average height of 7’3” (221 cm) and weight of 463 lb (210 kg). Dragonite is a Dragon and Flying type Pokémon and is listed as #149 in the National Pokédex.
Dragonite, known as Kairyu in Japan, is a dual type dragon and flying Pokémon and was introduced in the first generation of games. Dragonite is an orange dragon with wings that seem too small for his body despite how fast he is able to fly. Dragonite is the final evolution in his family; beginning with Dratini, then Dragonair, before culminating in Dragonite. Dragonite is a rare Pokémon in the wild frequently found near the sea. Dragonite is a kind, intelligent Pokémon and has saved humans in need or ships that have lost their way. However, if his environment is threatened, Dragonite will go on a rampage until he has neutralized the threat.
Dragonite has an average height of 7’3” (221 cm) and weight of 463 lb (210 kg). Dragonite is a Dragon and Flying type Pokémon and is listed as #149 in the National Pokédex.