Pikachu, known by the same name in Japan, is an electric type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games. Pikachu is a rodent-like, yellow creature with brown stripes and a long tail capable of absorbing lightning strikes. Pikachu evolves from Pichu and can evolve into Raichu when exposed to a thunder stone. Pikachu is one of the most well-known Pokémon and serves as the unofficial mascot of the Pokémon franchise. Pikachu typically can be found living in groups in the forest. Pikachu releases electricity and charges its stored electricity (which is stored in its red facial glands) while it sleeps, however, lack of sleep and stress can affect its ability to release electricity.
Pikachu has an average height of 1’4” (40.6 cm) and weight of 13.2 lb (6 kg). Pikachu is an Electric type Pokémon and is listed as #025 in the National Pokédex.
Pikachu, known by the same name in Japan, is an electric type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games. Pikachu is a rodent-like, yellow creature with brown stripes and a long tail capable of absorbing lightning strikes. Pikachu evolves from Pichu and can evolve into Raichu when exposed to a thunder stone. Pikachu is one of the most well-known Pokémon and serves as the unofficial mascot of the Pokémon franchise. Pikachu typically can be found living in groups in the forest. Pikachu releases electricity and charges its stored electricity (which is stored in its red facial glands) while it sleeps, however, lack of sleep and stress can affect its ability to release electricity.
Pikachu has an average height of 1’4” (40.6 cm) and weight of 13.2 lb (6 kg). Pikachu is an Electric type Pokémon and is listed as #025 in the National Pokédex.