Squirtle, known as Zenigame in Japan, is a water type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games as a starter Pokémon along with Bulbasaur and Charmander. Squirtle is a light-blue turtle creature with a hard brown shell and a long, curly tail. Squirtle is the lowest evolution in his family; he evolves into Wartortle and then into Blastoise. Squirtle is relatively rare to find in the wild, but he can be occasionally found around ponds and lakes. Squirtle is a very efficient swimmer, can use his shell for protection, and sprays water from his mouth to attack with great accuracy.
Squirtle has an average height of 1’8” (50.8 cm) and weight of 19.8 lb (9 kg). Squirtle is a Water type Pokémon and is listed as #007 in the National Pokédex.
Squirtle, known as Zenigame in Japan, is a water type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games as a starter Pokémon along with Bulbasaur and Charmander. Squirtle is a light-blue turtle creature with a hard brown shell and a long, curly tail. Squirtle is the lowest evolution in his family; he evolves into Wartortle and then into Blastoise. Squirtle is relatively rare to find in the wild, but he can be occasionally found around ponds and lakes. Squirtle is a very efficient swimmer, can use his shell for protection, and sprays water from his mouth to attack with great accuracy.
Squirtle has an average height of 1’8” (50.8 cm) and weight of 19.8 lb (9 kg). Squirtle is a Water type Pokémon and is listed as #007 in the National Pokédex.