Mewtwo, known by the same name in Japan, is a psychic type legendary Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games. Mewtwo is slender, two-legged, gray mammal-looking creature with a purple tail. Mewtwo does not have any evolutions, but is the second partner to the Mew duo with Mew. Mewtwo is the result of DNA splicing experiments performed on Mew to create the most dominating Pokémon. Due to its laboratory creatue, Mewtwo is known to have the most vicious heart of all Pokémon and only thinks about how to defeat his opponents. Since Mewtwo is man-made, they are not found in the wild, but it is believed that Mewtwo may be hiding out and resting in a dark cave somewhere.
Mewtwo has an average height of 6’7” (200.7 cm) and weight of 269 lb (122 kg). Mewtwo is a Psychic type Pokémon and is listed as #150 in the National Pokédex.
Mewtwo, known by the same name in Japan, is a psychic type legendary Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games. Mewtwo is slender, two-legged, gray mammal-looking creature with a purple tail. Mewtwo does not have any evolutions, but is the second partner to the Mew duo with Mew. Mewtwo is the result of DNA splicing experiments performed on Mew to create the most dominating Pokémon. Due to its laboratory creatue, Mewtwo is known to have the most vicious heart of all Pokémon and only thinks about how to defeat his opponents. Since Mewtwo is man-made, they are not found in the wild, but it is believed that Mewtwo may be hiding out and resting in a dark cave somewhere.
Mewtwo has an average height of 6’7” (200.7 cm) and weight of 269 lb (122 kg). Mewtwo is a Psychic type Pokémon and is listed as #150 in the National Pokédex.