Known by his alias Heisenberg, Walter White is a fictional character and antihero of the crime drama TV series Breaking Bad and portrayed by actor Bryan Cranston. White resided in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife and son, working as a High School chemistry teacher. After being diagnosed with lung cancer on his 50th birthday, he decides to manufacture and sell methamphetamines with the help of former student, Jesse Pinkman, in order to pay for his treatments and guarantee his family a secure financial future following his inevitable passing. As the series progresses, Walter White falls deeper into the illegal drug trade and transforms from a family man to a ruthless, millionaire drug lord. He is thought of by many as one of the most iconic television characters of all time.
Walter White is portrayed by Bryan Cranston with a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).
Known by his alias Heisenberg, Walter White is a fictional character and antihero of the crime drama TV series Breaking Bad and portrayed by actor Bryan Cranston. White resided in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife and son, working as a High School chemistry teacher. After being diagnosed with lung cancer on his 50th birthday, he decides to manufacture and sell methamphetamines with the help of former student, Jesse Pinkman, in order to pay for his treatments and guarantee his family a secure financial future following his inevitable passing. As the series progresses, Walter White falls deeper into the illegal drug trade and transforms from a family man to a ruthless, millionaire drug lord. He is thought of by many as one of the most iconic television characters of all time.
Walter White is portrayed by Bryan Cranston with a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).