Portrayed by actor Al Pacino, Antonio “Tony” Montana is a fictional character and antihero of the film Scarface. The character is partially based on the protagonist of the original novel, Tony Camonte. Both characters, however, are based on the real-life gangster Al Capone. Montana is described as short-tempered and fearless, living a life of crime that includes murder, money laundering, tax evasion, and the smuggling of drugs. His story begins once getting involved with the Miami drug cartel; displaying one man’s rise to power. Tony Montana has become a cultural icon and one of the most famous movie characters of all time.
Tony Montana is portrayed by Al Pacino with a height of 5’7” (1.70 m).
Portrayed by actor Al Pacino, Antonio “Tony” Montana is a fictional character and antihero of the film Scarface. The character is partially based on the protagonist of the original novel, Tony Camonte. Both characters, however, are based on the real-life gangster Al Capone. Montana is described as short-tempered and fearless, living a life of crime that includes murder, money laundering, tax evasion, and the smuggling of drugs. His story begins once getting involved with the Miami drug cartel; displaying one man’s rise to power. Tony Montana has become a cultural icon and one of the most famous movie characters of all time.
Tony Montana is portrayed by Al Pacino with a height of 5’7” (1.70 m).