Portrayed by actor Cillian Murphy, Thomas “Tommy” Shelby is a fictional character and central figure of the crime drama series Peaky Blinders. Although the Peaky Blinders were a real-life organized crime gang operating in 1900s Birmingham, England, the Shelby family is entirely fictional. A World War I veteran, Thomas Shelby becomes leader of the Peaky Blinders proving himself as the brains of the gang with his brothers relying more on brute force. He fixes horse races and works to expand his gang’s involvement in the racetrack scene with the intention of establishing his illegal empire as a legitimate business.
Thomas Shelby is portrayed by Cillian Murphy with a height of 5’8” (1.73 m).
Portrayed by actor Cillian Murphy, Thomas “Tommy” Shelby is a fictional character and central figure of the crime drama series Peaky Blinders. Although the Peaky Blinders were a real-life organized crime gang operating in 1900s Birmingham, England, the Shelby family is entirely fictional. A World War I veteran, Thomas Shelby becomes leader of the Peaky Blinders proving himself as the brains of the gang with his brothers relying more on brute force. He fixes horse races and works to expand his gang’s involvement in the racetrack scene with the intention of establishing his illegal empire as a legitimate business.
Thomas Shelby is portrayed by Cillian Murphy with a height of 5’8” (1.73 m).