Hooded Justice, also known as Will Reeves, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. As the first masked vigilante in the Watchmen universe, Will was a founding member of the Minutemen and paved the way for the rest of the universe’s vigilantes.
He joined the NYPD, but after becoming disillusioned with the pervasive racism throughout the force, he turned to the vigilante lifestyle to ensure justice is served regardless of race. In the comics, his identity was never revealed, nor was his fate. It is hinted that he died, but never confirmed.
Hooded Justice, portrayed by Jovan Apedo in Watchmen (2019), has a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).
Hooded Justice, also known as Will Reeves, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. As the first masked vigilante in the Watchmen universe, Will was a founding member of the Minutemen and paved the way for the rest of the universe’s vigilantes.
He joined the NYPD, but after becoming disillusioned with the pervasive racism throughout the force, he turned to the vigilante lifestyle to ensure justice is served regardless of race. In the comics, his identity was never revealed, nor was his fate. It is hinted that he died, but never confirmed.
Hooded Justice, portrayed by Jovan Apedo in Watchmen (2019), has a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).