Eight- Angle Pose is an advanced posture that makes that strengthen the arms and wrist and can relieve the body of stress and anxiety. Eight-Angle pose is both an arm balance and a twist, making it a unique and challenging pose. Preparatory postures to Eight-Angle Pose include Warrior II, Extended Side Angle Pose, Plank, and Downward Facing Dog.
To do Eight-Angle Pose make sure the body is warmed up and ready. There are a few ways to get into the posture from seated on the floor or moving through a flow. The final expression of this posture is to have the legs out to the right, wrapped around the bicep while balancing on the hands. This one can be tricky to get into, ask your local Yogi professional for guidance!
Eight- Angle Pose is an advanced posture that makes that strengthen the arms and wrist and can relieve the body of stress and anxiety. Eight-Angle pose is both an arm balance and a twist, making it a unique and challenging pose. Preparatory postures to Eight-Angle Pose include Warrior II, Extended Side Angle Pose, Plank, and Downward Facing Dog.
To do Eight-Angle Pose make sure the body is warmed up and ready. There are a few ways to get into the posture from seated on the floor or moving through a flow. The final expression of this posture is to have the legs out to the right, wrapped around the bicep while balancing on the hands. This one can be tricky to get into, ask your local Yogi professional for guidance!