Heron Pose is an intermediate hip opener that gives the hamstrings a deep stretch. Some preparatory postures to Heron Pose include Downward Facing Dog, Wide Leg Forward Bend, Chair, and Hero Pose. Yogi’s with knee issues, there are some modifications to get into Heron Pose and as always use caution and stop if feeling any sharp pain.
To do Heron Pose, start with the legs out front and bend the right leg, bringing the top of the foot to the outside of the glutes. The next step is to bend the left leg placing the foot near the sit bones and then lift the leg up and straighten. Grab behind the hamstrings, calf, or reach for the foot. This pose can be quite difficult, check out the photo for a better idea!
Heron Pose is an intermediate hip opener that gives the hamstrings a deep stretch. Some preparatory postures to Heron Pose include Downward Facing Dog, Wide Leg Forward Bend, Chair, and Hero Pose. Yogi’s with knee issues, there are some modifications to get into Heron Pose and as always use caution and stop if feeling any sharp pain.
To do Heron Pose, start with the legs out front and bend the right leg, bringing the top of the foot to the outside of the glutes. The next step is to bend the left leg placing the foot near the sit bones and then lift the leg up and straighten. Grab behind the hamstrings, calf, or reach for the foot. This pose can be quite difficult, check out the photo for a better idea!