Shazam, also known as William Joseph “Billy” Batson, is a fictional superhero in Shazam! and the extended DC Comics universe. Growing up an orphan, Billy’s life is suddenly turned upside down when a wizard grants him the power to transform from a gangly teen into a full grown superhero.
His powers include flight, super strength, superspeed, increased invulnerability, and the ability to control electricity. Though, as Shazam, he is physically an adult, he still has the decision making power of a teenager, which can result in more chaos than the original problem he was trying to fix.
Shazam, portrayed by Zachary Levi in Shazam! (2019), has a height of 6’4” (1.93 m).
Shazam, also known as William Joseph “Billy” Batson, is a fictional superhero in Shazam! and the extended DC Comics universe. Growing up an orphan, Billy’s life is suddenly turned upside down when a wizard grants him the power to transform from a gangly teen into a full grown superhero.
His powers include flight, super strength, superspeed, increased invulnerability, and the ability to control electricity. Though, as Shazam, he is physically an adult, he still has the decision making power of a teenager, which can result in more chaos than the original problem he was trying to fix.
Shazam, portrayed by Zachary Levi in Shazam! (2019), has a height of 6’4” (1.93 m).