Ozymandias, also known as Adrian Alexander Veidt, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. A superfan of Ramesses II, the Egyptian pharaoh, Adrian aspired to save the world, through his vigilante antics and humanitarian efforts, as well as in fabricating a tragedy to unite the world against a common enemy and deescalate the cold war.
Lacking any technical superpowers, he stays ahead of his enemies with his quick wit and gymnastic abilities. In sharp contrast to Rorschach, he works hard to incapacitate his opponents with as little violence as possible.
Ozymandias, portrayed by Matthew Goode in Watchmen (2009), has a height of 6’2” (1.88 m).
Ozymandias, also known as Adrian Alexander Veidt, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. A superfan of Ramesses II, the Egyptian pharaoh, Adrian aspired to save the world, through his vigilante antics and humanitarian efforts, as well as in fabricating a tragedy to unite the world against a common enemy and deescalate the cold war.
Lacking any technical superpowers, he stays ahead of his enemies with his quick wit and gymnastic abilities. In sharp contrast to Rorschach, he works hard to incapacitate his opponents with as little violence as possible.
Ozymandias, portrayed by Matthew Goode in Watchmen (2009), has a height of 6’2” (1.88 m).