Rorschach, also known as Walter Joseph Kovacs, is a fictional anti-hero and vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. A believer in moral absolutism, Walter snaps when confronted with the horrors of humanity’s worst criminals, and shows his enemies no mercy.
When superheroes are required to register with the government, he refuses and continues his vigilante work, earning himself even more enemies. He has no superpowers, but is clever and in top physical shape, allowing him to think or fight his way out of most situations. He is also talented at lock picking.
Rorschach, portrayed by Jackie Earle Haley in Watchmen (2009), has a height of 5’5” (1.65 m).
Rorschach, also known as Walter Joseph Kovacs, is a fictional anti-hero and vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. A believer in moral absolutism, Walter snaps when confronted with the horrors of humanity’s worst criminals, and shows his enemies no mercy.
When superheroes are required to register with the government, he refuses and continues his vigilante work, earning himself even more enemies. He has no superpowers, but is clever and in top physical shape, allowing him to think or fight his way out of most situations. He is also talented at lock picking.
Rorschach, portrayed by Jackie Earle Haley in Watchmen (2009), has a height of 5’5” (1.65 m).