The Comedian, also known as Edward Morgan Blake, is a fictional vigilante and antihero in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. A friend of the Kennedys, Edward works for them as an assassin, and later becomes a government agent when vigilantes are forced to join the government or retire altogether.
As with most of the rest of the watchmen, he has no superpowers, but is trained in combat and a variety of guns and weapons. He is associated with the smiley face symbol, which is often shown as a button.
The Comedian, portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Watchmen (2009), has a height of 6’1" (1.85 m).
The Comedian, also known as Edward Morgan Blake, is a fictional vigilante and antihero in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. A friend of the Kennedys, Edward works for them as an assassin, and later becomes a government agent when vigilantes are forced to join the government or retire altogether.
As with most of the rest of the watchmen, he has no superpowers, but is trained in combat and a variety of guns and weapons. He is associated with the smiley face symbol, which is often shown as a button.
The Comedian, portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Watchmen (2009), has a height of 6’1" (1.85 m).