Looking Glass, also known as Wade Tillman, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. After surviving an attack by a psychic alien squid, Wade became terrified of both squids and psychic blasts, and wore reflective shields around his head to ward off any blasts.
After Tulsa began requiring the police force to wear masks, he joined for an excuse to wear his reflective covering at all times, and became Looking Glass. Like the others, he has no superpowers, but is trained as a police officer and is also a pilot.
Looking Glass, portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson in Watchmen (2019), has a height of 5’5” (1.65 m).
Looking Glass, also known as Wade Tillman, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. After surviving an attack by a psychic alien squid, Wade became terrified of both squids and psychic blasts, and wore reflective shields around his head to ward off any blasts.
After Tulsa began requiring the police force to wear masks, he joined for an excuse to wear his reflective covering at all times, and became Looking Glass. Like the others, he has no superpowers, but is trained as a police officer and is also a pilot.
Looking Glass, portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson in Watchmen (2019), has a height of 5’5” (1.65 m).