Sister Night, also known as Angela Abar, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. Born in Vietnam, she was orphaned after a bomb killed her parents, and grew up in Vietnam before falling in love with Doctor Manhattan and moving to Tulsa to become a police officer.
After a racially-motivated attack on forty police officers, all officers begin wearing masks, and Angela becomes Sister Night. Though she has no superpowers, she is armed with her police training, martial arts and acrobatics skills, and is an expert manipulator. Her grandfather is the original vigilante, Hooded Justice.
Sister Night, portrayed by Regina King in Watchmen (2019), has a height of 5’3” (1.60 m).
Sister Night, also known as Angela Abar, is a fictional vigilante in Watchmen and the extended DC Comics universe. Born in Vietnam, she was orphaned after a bomb killed her parents, and grew up in Vietnam before falling in love with Doctor Manhattan and moving to Tulsa to become a police officer.
After a racially-motivated attack on forty police officers, all officers begin wearing masks, and Angela becomes Sister Night. Though she has no superpowers, she is armed with her police training, martial arts and acrobatics skills, and is an expert manipulator. Her grandfather is the original vigilante, Hooded Justice.
Sister Night, portrayed by Regina King in Watchmen (2019), has a height of 5’3” (1.60 m).