Wonder Woman, also known as Diana Prince in her civilian identity, is a fictional superhero and in the DC Comics universe. She is played by Lynda Carter in the 1976 television adaptation Wonder Woman. Unlike later adaptations, this show stayed truer to the original comics, with a costume inspired by the American flag and a more lighthearted, comedic approach.
The pilot followed the comics closely, including Diana joining the military, though as an officer instead of a nurse. Lynda Carter came back to the DC Comics Universe in 2016 when she played the United States President on the CW television show Supergirl.
Wonder Woman, portrayed by Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman (1975), has a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).
Wonder Woman, also known as Diana Prince in her civilian identity, is a fictional superhero and in the DC Comics universe. She is played by Lynda Carter in the 1976 television adaptation Wonder Woman. Unlike later adaptations, this show stayed truer to the original comics, with a costume inspired by the American flag and a more lighthearted, comedic approach.
The pilot followed the comics closely, including Diana joining the military, though as an officer instead of a nurse. Lynda Carter came back to the DC Comics Universe in 2016 when she played the United States President on the CW television show Supergirl.
Wonder Woman, portrayed by Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman (1975), has a height of 5’11” (1.80 m).