Count Dooku, also known as Count Dooku of Serenno and later Darth Tyranus, is a fictional Jedi Master, Sith apprentice, and propaganist in the Star Wars movies and the extended franchise. Dooku leaves the Jedi to become Darth Sidious’s right hand man, in an effort to gain even more power. He plays an important role in leading the Separatist army and becoming the public face of the movement, promoting the cause in media across the galaxy. He also puts into motion Darth Sidious’s efforts to wipe out the Jedi, only to have Darth Sidious betray him in the end.
Count Dooku | Darth Tyranus, portrayed by Christopher Lee, is 6 foot 5 inches (1.96 m) tall.
Count Dooku, also known as Count Dooku of Serenno and later Darth Tyranus, is a fictional Jedi Master, Sith apprentice, and propaganist in the Star Wars movies and the extended franchise. Dooku leaves the Jedi to become Darth Sidious’s right hand man, in an effort to gain even more power. He plays an important role in leading the Separatist army and becoming the public face of the movement, promoting the cause in media across the galaxy. He also puts into motion Darth Sidious’s efforts to wipe out the Jedi, only to have Darth Sidious betray him in the end.
Count Dooku | Darth Tyranus, portrayed by Christopher Lee, is 6 foot 5 inches (1.96 m) tall.