Darth Vader, once known as Anakin Skywalker, is a fictional villain in the Star Wars movies and their extended franchise. Formerly a Jedi knight, he turns to the dark side after nearly dying in a battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. He rules under the Empire with fear, wielding the Force as a weapon in his efforts to conquer the galaxy, alongside an army and weapons such as the Death Star. His signature heavy breathing is the result of injuries sustained in his near-death battle with Obi-Wan, and one of the most recognizable sounds in the trilogy.
Darth Vader, portrayed by David Prowse in Star Wars, is 6 foot 8 inches (2.03 m) tall.
Darth Vader, once known as Anakin Skywalker, is a fictional villain in the Star Wars movies and their extended franchise. Formerly a Jedi knight, he turns to the dark side after nearly dying in a battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. He rules under the Empire with fear, wielding the Force as a weapon in his efforts to conquer the galaxy, alongside an army and weapons such as the Death Star. His signature heavy breathing is the result of injuries sustained in his near-death battle with Obi-Wan, and one of the most recognizable sounds in the trilogy.
Darth Vader, portrayed by David Prowse in Star Wars, is 6 foot 8 inches (2.03 m) tall.