Rey is a fictional scavenger-turned-aspiring-Jedi in the Star Wars movies and extended franchise. Abandoned by her parents on Jakku at a young age, she grew up fending for herself scavenging junk from the wreckage of ships buried in the Jakku sand, until Finn comes crashing into her life. She is strong with the Force and a quick learner, quickly becoming a formidable asset for the Resistance after training with Luke Skywalker and learning the power of the Force. She is drawn to Kylo Ren, knowing their fates are intertwined, believing she can bring him back to the light.
Rey, portrayed by Daisy Ridley, is 5 foot 7 inches (1.70 m) tall.
Rey is a fictional scavenger-turned-aspiring-Jedi in the Star Wars movies and extended franchise. Abandoned by her parents on Jakku at a young age, she grew up fending for herself scavenging junk from the wreckage of ships buried in the Jakku sand, until Finn comes crashing into her life. She is strong with the Force and a quick learner, quickly becoming a formidable asset for the Resistance after training with Luke Skywalker and learning the power of the Force. She is drawn to Kylo Ren, knowing their fates are intertwined, believing she can bring him back to the light.
Rey, portrayed by Daisy Ridley, is 5 foot 7 inches (1.70 m) tall.