Wampas, also known as Wampa Ice Creatures, are the fictional creatures that are native to the planet Hoth within the Star Wars Universe. Wampas are white-furred mammals that can blend into their surroundings, have cranial horns, claws, and are considered to be semi-sentient. Typically, Wampas are solitary, but sometimes hunt in packs. They are one of the top predators of Tauntauns and sometimes Rayboos. After Wampas catch their prey, they take it to their cave and hang it upside down before consuming it. Due to the cold temperatures, they live in, Wampas are difficult to track with radars.
Wampas are visualized as having an overall height between 7’3”-9’10” (2.2-3 m).
Wampas, also known as Wampa Ice Creatures, are the fictional creatures that are native to the planet Hoth within the Star Wars Universe. Wampas are white-furred mammals that can blend into their surroundings, have cranial horns, claws, and are considered to be semi-sentient. Typically, Wampas are solitary, but sometimes hunt in packs. They are one of the top predators of Tauntauns and sometimes Rayboos. After Wampas catch their prey, they take it to their cave and hang it upside down before consuming it. Due to the cold temperatures, they live in, Wampas are difficult to track with radars.
Wampas are visualized as having an overall height between 7’3”-9’10” (2.2-3 m).