Padmé, also known as Queen Amidala and Padmé Naberrie, is a fictional Queen of Naboo, senator, and powerful warrior in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and extended franchise. The secret wife of Anakin Skywalker and mother of Luke and Leia, concern over Padmé’s fate and a desire to save her from death is what eventually draws Anakin to the dark side and leads to the birth of Darth Vader. She fights her way out of battle after battle, thanks to her skill with a blaster and strategic thinking. She dies shortly after giving birth, not from any medical condition, but rather from sadness.
Padmé Amidala, portrayed by Natalie Portman, is 5’3” (1.60 m) tall.
Padmé, also known as Queen Amidala and Padmé Naberrie, is a fictional Queen of Naboo, senator, and powerful warrior in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and extended franchise. The secret wife of Anakin Skywalker and mother of Luke and Leia, concern over Padmé’s fate and a desire to save her from death is what eventually draws Anakin to the dark side and leads to the birth of Darth Vader. She fights her way out of battle after battle, thanks to her skill with a blaster and strategic thinking. She dies shortly after giving birth, not from any medical condition, but rather from sadness.
Padmé Amidala, portrayed by Natalie Portman, is 5’3” (1.60 m) tall.