Baby Yoda, also known as The Child, is a baby alien of unknown origin and of the same species as Jedi Master Yoda within the Star Wars universe television series, The Mandalorian. Though young and adorable, Baby Yoda has demonstrated powerful force abilities and is sought after by clients with ties to the fallen Empire. Baby Yoda is protected by the Mandalorian, who has taken on the role of a reluctant father figure for him. It is later revealed that the Child's name is Grogu.
Baby Yoda, based on dimensioned analysis taken from The Mandalorian, is 16” (40.5 cm) tall.
Baby Yoda, also known as The Child, is a baby alien of unknown origin and of the same species as Jedi Master Yoda within the Star Wars universe television series, The Mandalorian. Though young and adorable, Baby Yoda has demonstrated powerful force abilities and is sought after by clients with ties to the fallen Empire. Baby Yoda is protected by the Mandalorian, who has taken on the role of a reluctant father figure for him. It is later revealed that the Child's name is Grogu.
Baby Yoda, based on dimensioned analysis taken from The Mandalorian, is 16” (40.5 cm) tall.