Rancors are the fictional semi-sentient reptilians native to the planet of Dathomir, depicted in the Star Wars universe and franchise. Rancors are carnivores and predators with long arms, large jaws, as well as armored hides that can withstand blaster fire. Physically, they have brown-blue tinted skin and black eyes. Within their species, Rancors have a social hierarchy in which a Rancor is dominant over the others as long as it remains undefeated. The sub-species of Rancors include the Jungle Rancor, Rage Rancor, and Shadow Rancor. Rancors have been domesticated by the Witches of Dathomir, but can be provoked into violence.
Rancors are visualized as having an overall height between 13’9”-16’5” (4.2-5 m).
Rancors are the fictional semi-sentient reptilians native to the planet of Dathomir, depicted in the Star Wars universe and franchise. Rancors are carnivores and predators with long arms, large jaws, as well as armored hides that can withstand blaster fire. Physically, they have brown-blue tinted skin and black eyes. Within their species, Rancors have a social hierarchy in which a Rancor is dominant over the others as long as it remains undefeated. The sub-species of Rancors include the Jungle Rancor, Rage Rancor, and Shadow Rancor. Rancors have been domesticated by the Witches of Dathomir, but can be provoked into violence.
Rancors are visualized as having an overall height between 13’9”-16’5” (4.2-5 m).