Tusken Raiders, also known as Tuskens, are the fictional nomad sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine of the Star Wars Universe. Tusken Raiders are known for being xenophobic and are highly aggressive in their interactions with other species. Typically, Tusken Raiders wear multiple layers of clothing, heavy dress robes, a breath mask, as well as eye protection. Tusken Raiders live in clans that are made up of 20 to 30 members. They also have no written language, an aggressive nature, and are required to prove their adulthood through various physical activities. Their main weapons include the Gaderfii Stick and Tusken Ballista.
Tusken Raiders are portrayed by various actors with heights between 5’11”-6’7” (1.8-2 m).
Tusken Raiders, also known as Tuskens, are the fictional nomad sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine of the Star Wars Universe. Tusken Raiders are known for being xenophobic and are highly aggressive in their interactions with other species. Typically, Tusken Raiders wear multiple layers of clothing, heavy dress robes, a breath mask, as well as eye protection. Tusken Raiders live in clans that are made up of 20 to 30 members. They also have no written language, an aggressive nature, and are required to prove their adulthood through various physical activities. Their main weapons include the Gaderfii Stick and Tusken Ballista.
Tusken Raiders are portrayed by various actors with heights between 5’11”-6’7” (1.8-2 m).