Super Battle Droids, also known as B2-Series Battle Droids, are the fictional droids that are used within combat in the Star Wars Universe. Super Battle Droids perform through a command signal that when out of visual range causes them to forget about their enemies. They also have a processing unit and signal receptor placed within their torso to offer more protection from their enemy. Super Battle Droids have a red color sensor and outer dull silver plating. Canons were built into their body to accurately attack their enemies at a moment’s notice. Super Battle Droids are characteristically fearless and run at full speed into combat.
Super Battle Droids are visualized as having an overall height of 6’4” (1.93 m).
Super Battle Droids, also known as B2-Series Battle Droids, are the fictional droids that are used within combat in the Star Wars Universe. Super Battle Droids perform through a command signal that when out of visual range causes them to forget about their enemies. They also have a processing unit and signal receptor placed within their torso to offer more protection from their enemy. Super Battle Droids have a red color sensor and outer dull silver plating. Canons were built into their body to accurately attack their enemies at a moment’s notice. Super Battle Droids are characteristically fearless and run at full speed into combat.
Super Battle Droids are visualized as having an overall height of 6’4” (1.93 m).