Ant-Man, also known as Scott Lang, is a fictional superhero in Ant-Man and the extended Marvel franchise. A brilliant MIT graduate, Scott Lang turned to petty crime in an attempt to Robin Hood a corporation, but when he was caught and sent to jail he lost everything. He is recruited by the Ant-Man suit’s creator, Pym (who was the original Ant-Man in the comics) to become the new Ant-Man. The suit gives him the ability to shrink to the size of an ant (and further) and his training allows him to use the size changing in a fight and to control ants when tiny.
Ant Man is portrayed by Paul Rudd in the MCU with a human height of 5’10” (1.78 m) and the ability to shrink or grow to almost any size. The comic book height of Ant Man is 6’0" (1.83 m).
Ant-Man, also known as Scott Lang, is a fictional superhero in Ant-Man and the extended Marvel franchise. A brilliant MIT graduate, Scott Lang turned to petty crime in an attempt to Robin Hood a corporation, but when he was caught and sent to jail he lost everything. He is recruited by the Ant-Man suit’s creator, Pym (who was the original Ant-Man in the comics) to become the new Ant-Man. The suit gives him the ability to shrink to the size of an ant (and further) and his training allows him to use the size changing in a fight and to control ants when tiny.
Ant Man is portrayed by Paul Rudd in the MCU with a human height of 5’10” (1.78 m) and the ability to shrink or grow to almost any size. The comic book height of Ant Man is 6’0" (1.83 m).