The Hulk, real name Bruce Banner, is a transformed green-skinned muscular superhero that appears in Marvel Comics. Created by accidental exposure to experimental gamma radiation, the Hulk is in constant conflict between being an uncontrollably strong superhuman and the intelligent and weak alter ego of Bruce Banner. Often teaming with the Avengers, the Hulk is nearly invulnerable and has superhuman strength, stamina, and anger. The Hulk was introduced by Marvel in Incredible Hulk #1 in May, 1962.
The Hulk has a height of 8’2” (2.5 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 7’-8’ (2.13-2.44 m) in the comics.
The Hulk, real name Bruce Banner, is a transformed green-skinned muscular superhero that appears in Marvel Comics. Created by accidental exposure to experimental gamma radiation, the Hulk is in constant conflict between being an uncontrollably strong superhuman and the intelligent and weak alter ego of Bruce Banner. Often teaming with the Avengers, the Hulk is nearly invulnerable and has superhuman strength, stamina, and anger. The Hulk was introduced by Marvel in Incredible Hulk #1 in May, 1962.
The Hulk has a height of 8’2” (2.5 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 7’-8’ (2.13-2.44 m) in the comics.