Rocket Raccoon is an anthropomorphic raccoon skilled in starship aviation, engineering, and marksmanship that appears in Marvel Comics. Typically a core member of the superhero team Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon possesses the enhanced speed, sight and climbing abilities of an Earth raccoon in conjunction with being a brilliant strategist and pilot. Rocket was introduced by Marvel in Marvel Preview #7 in Summer 1976.
Rocket Raccoon has a height of 3’1” (.95 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 4’ (1.22 m) in the comics.
Rocket Raccoon is an anthropomorphic raccoon skilled in starship aviation, engineering, and marksmanship that appears in Marvel Comics. Typically a core member of the superhero team Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon possesses the enhanced speed, sight and climbing abilities of an Earth raccoon in conjunction with being a brilliant strategist and pilot. Rocket was introduced by Marvel in Marvel Preview #7 in Summer 1976.
Rocket Raccoon has a height of 3’1” (.95 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 4’ (1.22 m) in the comics.