Mysterio, real name Quentin Beck, is a master illusionist and supervillain that often faces off with Spider-Man in Marvel Comics. With origins as an actor and skilled special effects and robotics technician, Mysterio uses misdirection, holograms, and effects to disorient his enemies. Mysterio initially appeared as a villain to Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man #13 in June, 1964 and arrived in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Spider-Man: Far From Home in 2019.
Mysterio has a height of 5’11” (1.80 m) in both the MCU and the comics.
Mysterio, real name Quentin Beck, is a master illusionist and supervillain that often faces off with Spider-Man in Marvel Comics. With origins as an actor and skilled special effects and robotics technician, Mysterio uses misdirection, holograms, and effects to disorient his enemies. Mysterio initially appeared as a villain to Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man #13 in June, 1964 and arrived in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Spider-Man: Far From Home in 2019.
Mysterio has a height of 5’11” (1.80 m) in both the MCU and the comics.