Drax, also known as Drax the Destroyer, is a fictional alien and ally to the Guardians of the Galaxy in Guardians of the Galaxy and the extended Marvel franchise. After Ronan the Accuser killed his wife and daughter on Thanos’s orders, Drax becomes singularly focused on avenging their deaths. After meeting the Guardians in prison, he joins forces with them to kill Thanos. His powers include increased invulnerability, healing and super strength, as well as being skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and use of dual knives and the Hadron Enforcer. Brave to a fault, he once jumped inside a giant thick-skinned alien to kill it from the inside.
Drax the Destroyer is portrayed by Dave Bautista in the MCU with a height of 6’3” (1.91 m). The comic book height of Drax the Destroyer is 6’4” (1.93 m).
Drax, also known as Drax the Destroyer, is a fictional alien and ally to the Guardians of the Galaxy in Guardians of the Galaxy and the extended Marvel franchise. After Ronan the Accuser killed his wife and daughter on Thanos’s orders, Drax becomes singularly focused on avenging their deaths. After meeting the Guardians in prison, he joins forces with them to kill Thanos. His powers include increased invulnerability, healing and super strength, as well as being skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and use of dual knives and the Hadron Enforcer. Brave to a fault, he once jumped inside a giant thick-skinned alien to kill it from the inside.
Drax the Destroyer is portrayed by Dave Bautista in the MCU with a height of 6’3” (1.91 m). The comic book height of Drax the Destroyer is 6’4” (1.93 m).