War Machine, also known as James Rupert “Rhodey” Rhodes, and the Iron Patriot, is a fictional superhero, and Air Force lieutenant colonel in Iron Man and the extended Marvel franchise. Originally forced to don Tony Stark’s War Machine suit after Tony goes for an inebriated joyride as iron man, James Rhodes eventually accepts his place on the Avenger’s team. Like Falcon, he is physically human and skilled in combat from his years in the Air Force. With the suit, his powers include flight and unibeam and repulsor casting, as well as having guns and stunners.
War Machine is portrayed by Don Cheadle in the MCU with an armored height of 6’1” (1.85 m) and a human height of 5’8” (1.73 m). The comic book height of War Machine in armor is 6’6” (1.98 m) and unsuited human height of 6’1” (1.85 m).
War Machine, also known as James Rupert “Rhodey” Rhodes, and the Iron Patriot, is a fictional superhero, and Air Force lieutenant colonel in Iron Man and the extended Marvel franchise. Originally forced to don Tony Stark’s War Machine suit after Tony goes for an inebriated joyride as iron man, James Rhodes eventually accepts his place on the Avenger’s team. Like Falcon, he is physically human and skilled in combat from his years in the Air Force. With the suit, his powers include flight and unibeam and repulsor casting, as well as having guns and stunners.
War Machine is portrayed by Don Cheadle in the MCU with an armored height of 6’1” (1.85 m) and a human height of 5’8” (1.73 m). The comic book height of War Machine in armor is 6’6” (1.98 m) and unsuited human height of 6’1” (1.85 m).