Wasp, also known as Hope Pym, is a fictional superhero in Ant-Man and the Wasp and the extended Marvel franchise. The daughter of the original creator of the Ant-Man suit, Hope’s mother was the original Wasp but was lost in the quantum realm after shrinking too small when she was a child. After Scott Lang realizes she might be alive, Hope dons the Wasp suit in order to save her mother, Janet van Dyne, from the quantum realm. Similar to Ant-Man, the Wasp suit gives Hope the ability to shrink herself and other objects, with the added ability of being able to fly.
Wasp is portrayed by Evangeline Lilly in the MCU with a human height of 5’6” (1.68 m). The comic book height of Wasp is 5’4” (1.63 m).
Wasp, also known as Hope Pym, is a fictional superhero in Ant-Man and the Wasp and the extended Marvel franchise. The daughter of the original creator of the Ant-Man suit, Hope’s mother was the original Wasp but was lost in the quantum realm after shrinking too small when she was a child. After Scott Lang realizes she might be alive, Hope dons the Wasp suit in order to save her mother, Janet van Dyne, from the quantum realm. Similar to Ant-Man, the Wasp suit gives Hope the ability to shrink herself and other objects, with the added ability of being able to fly.
Wasp is portrayed by Evangeline Lilly in the MCU with a human height of 5’6” (1.68 m). The comic book height of Wasp is 5’4” (1.63 m).